Friday, 14 October 2011

Happy Birthday Dad!!!!

Well it's dads birthday today and we had a little cake party in mums house...

Lovely homecooked dinner, followed by pavalova, apple crumble, chocolate cake and cupcakes. Sugar overload all round....

Im looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend, spending some time pottering at home, doing what I love. If I create anything worthwhile I'll upload pics.

Love & hugs
Gillian xx

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Birthdays Galore

Here's a wee selection of birthday cards I have done in the past...

As with all cards, these can be personalised as required for the birthday girl/boy!

Love and hugs

Gillian xx

Baby Cards

So... its been quite a while since I managed to put anything up here, woops! I've been pretty busy.....

Here are a few baby cards to give an idea of what I can do, but of course cards are a very personal thing so any requests welcome.

These can of course be personalised with baby's name, date of birth etc if required.

Hope this gives someone out there some inspiration!

Lovey & hugs

Gillian xx

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Wedding Fever!!

I created this blog to share the cards and other handmade crafts that I keep myself busy with - although you will notice I have yet to get round to putting anything up!!

So here goes with a few pics of wedding related stationery I have made in the past! Apologies for the small size of a few of the pics, unfortunately my camera is broken so I had to use my trusty iphone :-)

This is a Wedding Invitation that I made for my cousins wedding back in March, i think it is a lovely idea, especially as you can change the tag message to suit the couple!

An Evening invitation this time, that I made for my own wedding back in 2008 - I wanted to go for a vintage look and LOVED the end result. I will try to get my hands on a day invite to put up, but as you can imagine i didn't need to send myself one ;-)

I'm going to post this now as its the first time i've tried to puts pictures up I want to see what its like!

Love & Hugs

G xo

Monday, 23 May 2011

Living In the Windy City!!!

This is my first blog, so it'll be short and sweet until i get the hang of this blogging lark!!

Today has been VERY stormy here in Lisburn, I was worried I would get home from work and find my shed had blown away - thankfully not :-)

I hope over time this blog will grow into something people will be interested in, although that may take some time, so please bear with me...

Lots of love