Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Wedding Fever!!

I created this blog to share the cards and other handmade crafts that I keep myself busy with - although you will notice I have yet to get round to putting anything up!!

So here goes with a few pics of wedding related stationery I have made in the past! Apologies for the small size of a few of the pics, unfortunately my camera is broken so I had to use my trusty iphone :-)

This is a Wedding Invitation that I made for my cousins wedding back in March, i think it is a lovely idea, especially as you can change the tag message to suit the couple!

An Evening invitation this time, that I made for my own wedding back in 2008 - I wanted to go for a vintage look and LOVED the end result. I will try to get my hands on a day invite to put up, but as you can imagine i didn't need to send myself one ;-)

I'm going to post this now as its the first time i've tried to puts pictures up I want to see what its like!

Love & Hugs

G xo