Monday, 27 February 2012

My Very Own Wee Corner!!!

I took some inspiration from one of my favourite bloggers for this one, the fabulous Cherry Menlove with whom I must admit I am more than a little obsessed lol. Not in a creepy way you understand... its just that she has the life i aspire to :-)

I had long eyed up an old desk that sat in my dad's garage. It had in a previous life been the centre of operations for his car business, although I've NO idea how he managed to fit everything in it! And at that stage was in my parents house. Over the years, it made its way to the garage and became a home to all kinds of pruck. I casually mentioned one afternoon to dad that I would be interested in taking it when he no longer wanted it and hey presto a few days later, dad had it all cleared out and I was instructed to take it home.

The desk was a sorry sight, thick with dust which masked much faded mahogany, albeit not of the best quality. I had a chat with the friendly staff at my local paint supplier (The Paint Shop, Moira Road, Lisburn) about wanting to paint it and they recommended using BIN primer before I painted it in my chosen colour. These fabulous paint maestros are able to mix my favourite Farrow & Ball colours on request, so while I was there I got a batch of eggshell mixed up in Skimming Stone, a beautiful off-white.

A few days and a lot of painting later the desk was looking fabulous and it now sits proudly in my living room, housing a miriad of crafting goodies. What do you think?

I wish I had taken more photographs of before and during this little makeover, so you could see just what a difference some paint made. I will definitely do this in future! The little chair sitting in front of the desk was a car boot sale bargain for only £5!! I love it and some day will recover it in a nice fabric, so it can loose its Ikea fleece cover.  

I hope anyone reading will comment, please let me know what you think of the desk....

Until next time (I promise it won't be months this time!)

Gillian xo

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